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The City Slicker城市佬

He's from Brooklyn, Fuhgeddaboudit他是從布魯克林,Fuhgeddaboudit
The Well-Mannered Cat彬彬有禮的貓

Learned at a young age pasta is not finger food.學會是一個年輕的年齡麵食手指食物。 It's slurping food.它slurping是食品。 Cultured.培養。
The Scholar “儒林外史”

He just finished his thesis.他剛剛完成了他的論文。 Topic: CULTURE.主題:文化。
The Needler在Needler

Learned how to embroider while in India.學會如何繡,同時在印度。
The Chef廚師

Sushi chef extraordinaire, also knows karate.壽司廚師非凡,也知道空手道。 Cultured.培養。
The Rastafarian該塔法裡教

What?什麼? Ohhh. ohhh。 Yeah.是啊。 Mon.週一
The Dancer舞者

Took ballroom dancing classes, can waltz with the best of them.交際舞班,其中最好的華爾茲。
The Polite Cat禮貌的貓

Uses chopsticks properly, like a cultured cat would.正確使用筷子,像一個有教養的貓會。
The Pianist鋼琴家

Tickles that ivory like an old pro.發癢,象牙像一個老的親。
The AristoCAT在AristoCAT

Like I said, the AristoCAT就像我說的,AristoCAT
The Musician音樂家

He's a classical guitarist.他是一個古典吉他手。
The Traveler遊客

Speaks Italian.講意大利語。 Cosa Vuoi? COSA Vuoi?
The Worker工人

Knows the trials and tribulations of sweat shops.知道血汗工廠的考驗和磨難。
The Super-Nanny超級的保姆

Learned everything she knows from Mary Poppins, queen of culture.她知道,文化女王Mary Poppins的學到的一切。
The Food Critic美食評論家

Traveled around the world tasting foods with Anthony Bourdain.周遊世界品嚐食品與安東尼伯爾頓。 Culture is in his blood.文化是在他的血液。
The Businessman商人

Expert negotiator, in three different languages.專家談判代表,在三種不同的語言。 Culture is his middle name.文化是他的中間名。
The Gardener園丁

Learned how to garden while visiting Croatia.學會如何在園林,同時來訪的克羅地亞。
The Athlete運動員

Trained in Japan.日本培訓。
The Botanist植物學家

Knows the difference between roses and poison ivy, as taught in Spain.知道玫瑰和毒藤之間的區別,因為在西班牙教。
El Conquistador厄爾尼諾征服者

Speaks spanish.講西班牙語。
The Techie的技術人員

Apprenticed with Steve Jobs himself.學徒與史蒂夫·喬布斯本人。
The Strategist戰略家

Knows books.知道書。 Military books.軍事書籍。
The Masseuse女按摩師

Went to Sweden, learned how to massage.去瑞典,學會了如何按摩。
animated gifs
animated gifs