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Etsy項目出奇的昂貴和奇異(38 PICS)

$24,000 – Giant red high heel sculpture $ 24,000 - 巨型紅色高跟鞋雕塑

$100,000 – Painting of a boat一船10萬美元 - 繪畫

$6,000 – Dog dress $ 6,000 - 狗衣服

$7,500 – Giant queen's cape $ 7,500 - 巨人女王的斗篷

$100,000 – Mask $ 100,000 - 面膜

$50,000 – Painting titled “Liplock of Chaos” $ 50,000 - 題為“混沌Liplock的”繪畫

$3,900 – Real crocodile rug (not legal to ship to the US) $ 3,900 - 鱷魚地毯(不合法運送到美國)

$18,871.93 – Receipt in lucite box. $ 18,871.93 - 收到的有機玻璃盒子。 The receipt total is the selling price.在收到總售價。

$10,000 – Dining table - 餐桌10,000元

$1,925 – Latex dalmatian suit $ 1,925 - 乳膠達爾馬提亞西裝

$5,000 – Effie Trinket-inspired dress $ 5,000 - :艾菲飾品為靈感的禮服

$4,000 – Painted ceramic coaster $ 4,000 - 彩瓷過山車

$100,000 – Photo of some flowers一些花$ 100,000 - 照片

$1,000 – Chrome browser pillow $ 1,000 - Chrome瀏覽器的枕頭

$34,876 – Fork with googly-eyes $三四八七六 - 曲棍球眼叉

$11,500 – Working BBQ grill decorated as a pirate's treasure chest $ 11,500 - 工作燒烤裝飾海盜的寶箱

$2,500 – Pop-up book about the history of clams $ 2,500 - 彈出約蛤的歷史書

$87,000 – Ceramic vase 87,000元 - 陶瓷花瓶

$2,100 – Crocheted curtain of a woman that looks a little like a Patrick Nagel $ 2,100 - 一個女人,看起來像帕特里克·內格爾的一點點鉤針帷幕

$37,411 – Artwork that appears to be a colander on a cardboard box三七四一一 - 藝術品,似乎是一個紙箱上的漏勺
$ 91,199.99 - 隕石看起來像尖叫和尚

$16,000 – Outdoor fountain $ 16,000 - 室外噴泉

$5,800 – Painting of two tigers $ 5,800 - 繪畫二虎

$100,000 – Guitar made from a single cut of wood $ 100,000 - 吉他從一個單一的木材切

$9,999 – Sand painting of horses 9,999 - 沙畫馬

$10,000 – Bust of Bruce Springsteen $ 10,000 - 布魯斯·斯普林斯廷胸圍

$29,000 – Bob Marley painting on canvas sheet 29,000 - 鮑勃·馬利畫在畫布上表

$75,000 – Fairy treehouse $ 75,000 - 神仙樹

$55,000 – Seashell fireplace $ 55,000 - 貝殼壁爐

$12,995 – Knit motorcycle cover $ 12,995 - 針織摩托車蓋

$30,000 – Quilt with motorcycle patches $ 30,000 - 被子摩托車補丁

$10,000 – Painting of a Disney Cruise ship $ 10,000 - 迪斯尼遊輪繪畫

$7,000 – Wooden bench with horse relief $ 7,000 - 馬救災木凳

$60,808 – Model of an airport $ 60808 - 機場模型

$45,000 – Magic wand (with authentic magic powers) $ 45,000 - 魔杖(正宗的魔力)

$4,800 – Santa chair $ 4,800 - 聖誕老人的椅子

$10,000 – Knitted scarf (not even real wool; it's acrylic!) $ 10,000 - 針織圍巾(甚至不是真正的羊毛;它是丙烯酸!)
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