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標題: 最荒謬的時刻在奧運會閉幕式 [打印本頁]

作者: 美加露露    時間: 2012-8-16 10:37     標題: 最荒謬的時刻在奧運會閉幕式

They did that strange, epilepsy-courting London-scenery countdown again.他們做了奇怪的是,癲癇求愛倫敦風景倒計時。

Winston Churchill popped out of the top of Big Ben and recited passages from Shakespeare's “The Tempest.”溫斯頓·丘吉爾殺出了大本鐘的頂部和背誦的段落從莎士比亞的“暴風雨。”

I, for one, feel great about the fact that Timothy Spall can play both Winston Churchill…為一體,我覺得事實上,霍震霆碎片可以玩溫斯頓·丘吉爾的偉大...

…and Peter Pettigrew in “Harry Potter.”和彼得·佩蒂格魯“哈利·波特”

In some bizarre homage to how London gets “started” every morning, a woman wore a dress made of newspaper, swinging newspaper bags…在一些奇怪的敬意倫敦如何得到“開始”每天早晨,一名女子穿著報紙做成的裙子,,擺動報紙袋......

…and newspaper-clad dudes used newspaper jackhammers.和報紙包的帥哥用報紙伐木工人。 Allegory for the necessity of print?寓言打印的必要性? Desperate plea for help?幫助絕望認罪? We'll never know!我們永遠不會知道!

A car exploded…一輛汽車發生爆炸...

…and Batman climbed out.和蝙蝠俠爬了出來。

Reference to something inherently British and inscrutable?參考內在英國和高深莫測的東西? Possibly!可能! Either way, that's definitely not Christian Bale.無論哪種方式,這絕對不是克里斯蒂安·貝爾。

No big deal, just a guy wearing a fez and a Union-Jack kilt descending from the sky with a saxophone.沒什麼大不了的,只是一個傢伙穿著菲斯和聯盟傑克褶裙與薩克斯從天而降。

Ladies and gentlemen, the Pet Shop Boys.女士們,先生們,寵物店男孩。 God, I have to sleep at night after seeing this, somehow.上帝,我必須在晚上睡覺後,看到這個,不知何故。

Coolest delegation at the Olympics goes to the Ethiopians.最酷的代表團在奧運會上進入埃塞俄比亞。

This dude was just wandering through the athletes.這傢伙剛剛通過運動員徘徊。 Beer?啤酒? Beer.啤酒。 Beer!啤酒!

Leave it to a French guy to show off.它留下了一個法國小伙炫耀。

The Irish athletes know what's up.愛爾蘭運動員知道這是怎麼回事。 They just competed for two-and-a-half weeks!他們只是兩半週的比賽! Why should they be dancing to One Direction!他們為什麼要跳舞向一個方向!

Ugh, and then people started building a pyramid.哎,然後人們開始建造一座金字塔。


I mean, I'm not even joking right now我的意思是,我不是開玩笑的權利

This was part of a nice little tribute to John Lennon, BUT: dressing a bunch of kids up in all-white “Imagine” shirts…這是一個可愛的小約翰·列儂致敬的一部分,但一群孩子穿上白色的“想像”襯衫......

…and building a replica of John Lennon's face still qualifies as super-absurd. ,建立一個副本約翰·列儂的臉上仍然有資格作為超級荒謬的。

George Michael will sex you up.喬治·邁克爾將性別你。

(Skull belt buckle = what the Olympics are all about.) (骷髏皮帶扣什麼奧運會的全部。)

Just give in. Let David Bowie take you away.只是退讓,讓大衛·鮑伊把你帶走。 Let him herd you through time like a glowing-haired sherpa.讓他畜群通過時間,就像一個發光的頭髮夏爾巴你。

Annie Lennox's set was pretty cool, but damn was it also scary.安妮藍妮克絲的設置是很酷,但該死的是,它也嚇人。


Speaking of scary: the most inscrutable thing about British culture, to me, is how it didn't filter out Russell Brand before he became inexplicably famous.說到嚇人:有關英國文化最不可思議的事情,對我來說是沒有過濾掉之前,他成為令人費解的著名拉塞爾·布蘭德。

He pretended to be Willy Wonka, and then transitioned into lip-syncing “I Am The Walrus” through a megaphone.他謊稱自己是威利·旺卡,然後過渡到唇同步通過擴音器:“我是海象”。 I remember this canto from Dante.我記得從但丁的篇章。


Fatboy Slim emerges from the giant inflatable octopus. Fatboy亭亭玉立產生巨大的充氣章魚。 Fatboy Slim emerges from the giant inflatable octopus. Fatboy亭亭玉立產生巨大的充氣章魚。

Gian inflatable octopus.吉安充氣章魚。 -_- - _ -

This is some sort of horrible war machine from the future.這是一些可怕的戰爭機器從未來的排序。 I just know it is.我只知道它是。

*shakes uncontrollably* *搖搖失控*

Tinie Tempah almost got devoured by the octopus, which was admittedly kind of cool. tinie Tempah差點吃掉章魚,這是無可否認很酷。

Noooooo not Taio Cruz anyone but Taio Cruz新人報到noooooo沒有任何人,但新人報到

Oh, by the way, Jessie J performed in approx.哦,順便說一下,傑西J演出約。 97% of the Olympic performances after entering in the back of some Bentley-looking automobile. 97%的奧運表演後,在後面的一些賓利前瞻性的汽車進入。

Here she is, performing easily the worst air-guitar I've ever seen attempted by a coherent human being.在這裡,她是,表演輕鬆最差的空氣吉他我見過一個連貫的人類試圖。

Alongside her was Brian May, guitarist from Queen, rocking a haircut that looked like the glam-rock bastardization of a colonial powdered wig.除了她,從皇后的吉他手布賴恩,搖擺,看上去像一個殖民地粉的假髮的華麗搖滾私生子理髮。

Eric Idle of Monty Python fame fell out of a cannon…埃里克空閒的巨蟒名望跌出了一門大砲......

…and then performed “Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life” with a bunch of roller-skating nuns in what was easily the most British thing that's ever happened.然後執行“始終在人生的光明面看”與一堆這是有史以​​來發生的最英國的事情很容易滑旱冰修女。

Boris Johnson waved the Olympic flag LIKE A BOSS.鮑里斯·約翰遜像老闆揮舞奧林匹克會旗。

Kate Moss was there, in a very awkward supermodel sequence stapled on to the Bowie tribute because FASHION.凱特·莫斯在那裡,在一個非常尷尬的名模裝訂鮑伊致敬,因為時尚序列。 (Bowie wasn't there.) (鮑伊是不存在的。)

Liam Gallagher sang “Wonderwall,” the most famous song by his old, famous band Oasis, except without his brother Noel and with new act… Beady Eye.利亞姆·加拉格爾唱“Wonderwall”,由他的老,著名樂隊綠洲的最有名的歌曲,除了沒有他的兄弟Noel和新的行為... Beady眼。 Yeah.是啊。

And last, but not least: the Spice Girls reunited for a fun performance that gave us this GIF.最後,但並非最不重要的:一個有趣的表現,給了我們這個GIF的辣妹團聚。 Long live Posh Spice.萬歲辣妹。

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